... the late nineties was a time for tremedous growth and transformation for Latin Rock--and I happend to be there, and to be given a reporter's full access to the unfolding movement. This moment was all about the blossoming of a new generation of bands who were turning Latin Alternative into one of the decades's mos exciting movements in the world.

The influence was inescapable. Latin rock came of age by blending foreign influence with local roots. The result was-- and still is irresitible.

This book is the result of eight years of nonstop listening to and exploring this vibrant genre. The Intention is not to deliver a definitve history of Latin Rock, but rather to provide fans and genre neophytes alike with a little bit of insight, information, and suggestions for further listening.


Fabulosos Cadillacs

...Toward the end of the show, when Capello has already performed the crowd favorites"Carnaval toda la vida" and "Matador," he delivers a memorable farewell message, condeming Argentina's never-ending political corruption. "What we have here is the real wrold," Capello says while the band perfomrs the last bars of the moody "Los Condenaditos". "It's not the world of the fucking senators and politicians. This is the world where we should live. The world of music and art. Our world."

It's a heart-wrenching moment, proving theat the Cadillacs hadn't lost an ounce of idealism since their inception fifteen years ago. Lke the best of rock en español, their music made you dance and ponder weighty issues at the same time.

Café Tacvba

Six years after I sat speechless in the recording studio, Revés/Yosoy continues to inspire me, it's vision unmatched by anything that Latin rock has given us since then. The collection has a life of it's own, and continues to change with the times. Yes, it was a commecial disapponitment at the center of yet another failed attempt to engineer a fauxx crossover of Latin rock to the American mainstrem. Who cares? an exhilirating masterpiece, it is probably the pinnacle of the entiremovemt.

Extractos del Libro Rock en Español por Ernesto Lechner

¿Quieren mas?, compren el libro cabrones... AQUI.


El libro es una mini ecyclopedia del movimiento que empezo a mediados de los noventa y aun sigue latente. Muy bien escrito por uno de los mejores "critics" de musica latina en Estados Unidos, Ernesto Lechner. Ernesto deanbula por gran parte de la decada y sus personajes mas relevantes, divido en secciones, y al parecer en orden de importancia..Los Fabulosos..Cafeta...Aterciopelados...Jaguares/Caifanes. Algo interensante es el Forward por Saul Hernandez, al igual que varios escritos por los artistas como Gustavo Cerati, Andrea Echeverri, Mickey Huidobro, Adrian Dargelos (vocalista de Babasonicos) y varios mas, dando su prespectiva sobre el moviemiento. Tambien una lista de 100 discos recomendados por Erenesto como "Essenciales".. El unico pedo es que aun no se consigue en español.